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I have all of your works on my screen saver and I come into my office and sit here in the dark and watch the different paintings pass before my eyes.  I float around in the colors and the movements and the visions and I dream and imagine all sorts of things and feel refreshed.  Kay

Ron Mangravites reflections on Katelyn's Art

​"What I am here to share with you is some relatively academic knowledge which I thought was rather superficial and well known to Katelyn, but to my surprise, none of her work came out of academic studies.  It just came up out of where it is supposed to come out of, which doesn't really happen much anymore.  For me this presentation is a question of introducing a real live person who is doing extraordinary stuff.

This is not an opening of just some pretty exciting art, this is a public introduction to a woman who has found her inner identity in such a way that it transcends anything she is as a citizen, and inhabitant of Minneapolis, even as a woman and certainly as an artist.

I began studying exactly what is happening in the consciousness of a person who can get theses phenomenal telepathic test scores, who can heal someone by touching them with their hand, who can walk into a so called haunted house and precede to describe with relative accuracy the past history of some of the people who lived there.  Where does that come from?  Rather than saying that it's a weird thing, I wanted to know the why of it.  The pursuit of that converts the searcher.  I became a mystic and then discovered some of the things that are going to give me great pleasure to point out how Katelyn is also discovering these things.

If people have discovered that they are driven to this search to find mystical openings for some kind of spiritual awareness, they traditionally tried to find ways and means of allowing their inner cravings to somehow take form.  They try to find ways to get them up and out of themselves and find a medium of expression.  What people do if they are fortunate is to find an established group or teaching methods.

It was known that in order for a person to understand something of what lay ahead in the metaphysical path to enlightenment they had to first understand themselves.   They had to understand and sort through their own identify and distinguish between those elements which were imposed by culture, and those elements which were genuine to them and those elements which were universal.  this involved a tremendous amount of inner pain and searching because when you are trying to tell the difference between what is you and what is simply an appendage, the only way you can do it is to cut it and see if it bleeds.  Artists who are working, whether in fiction, or the graphic arts, or in dance or anything else, know that if they are going to do something that has never been done before it has to be covered with their own blood.  It has to be a thing that comes from a piece of their own flesh, taken out of the body and molded.

A master of such initiates would look at the images they dredge up from their subconscious and know instantly whether they were simply copying stuff that was in the air, whether they were taking designs from the wall, or whether they had found someone else's pictures.  The would know whether this was their truth or not.  If it was their truth this would have in fact been a masterpiece that would allow you to graduate and say, "I know my own identify, I am free to do this".

In attempting to find her identity, which is the Goddess, and find ways she could manifest, she apparently went down deep enough to get totally past Katelyn, to get totally past everything but her femininity, because these images are the Goddess.  Katelyn dug down deep enough to bet past anything that is the person and found real legitimate expressions that came from such a mixed bag of a culture that it would be very difficult for her to have truly cheated.  She does not know that some of these symbols are Babylonian, Sumerian, Chinese, and Welsh.  She cold not possibly known without at least 10 or 15 years of study.  She could not have made this mixed bag up by faking it.  It has to come from someplace very real.

And therefore, I am extremely privileged to be here to be more or less, the official midwife to announce to the world that this is not just an artist - Katelyn is an initiate of consciousness."

( The Late Ron Mangravite was an expert on myth and symbolism.  He was the director and teacher at a modern mystery school.  He gave this introduction and a presentation about Katelyn's work in 1996 when her visionary art was presented for the first time to the public.  Here is an interview with Ron in the Edge Magazine)

What other people are saying about Katelyn's Art

What I like about your art is that the channel that you are to your images is absolutely clear. I would say, “clean”.  Your art is deceptively simple, yet refers directly to the world of archetypes and meaning. It is not even necessary to “ decipher” it, we would possibly be engaged with an erroneous interpretation.  It is sufficient to go with the spontaneous “I like it”, it stands by itself, the way trees and rocks and sunsets stand by themselves.    Shakti

Your beautiful art is now here for all of us to enjoy.  Powerfully informing and pleasing to all the senses.  Alana

You are starting out with something of yourself in your creations- there is a moment I think that the work takes on a life of it’s own so to speak- and in some magical way that I can’t explain- it connects with the person looking at it.  It goes on toe communicate it’s message in its own way to each of us who are open to receiving it, like a living part of the universe.   Scotty

Hello Katelyn,
While meandering through the ever flowing river of creativity and individuality that is cyberspace I was blessed to come upon your website.  I enjoyed perusing your place of wonder.  I found your site to be a place of positive wellness.  Your down to earth  essence manifests authentically and cultivates awareness.  I am happy to have come upon your creative wellspring of personal choice and conscience.  Your realm of existence is a testament to the  value and vision of your life and work.  Thank you for sharing your individual flow of life.  Michael

​Your artwork is awesome and transformative-an expression of a woman of great spirit and divine understanding.  Congratulations on your commitment to that form of articulation, a noble one indeed.  Jim

Your images are so fresh and healing- anonymous

Beautiful artwork! I could just splash myself with your colors and dance in the images!  If I ever find an agent for my children’s stories, I would love to have you illustrate them for me. It was a joy visiting your website! Christy

Your art is like Rumi’s poems in paint.  So magical, alluring, mystical and spiritual.  Steve​

2010 - present

2010 - present

​First of all thank you for the wonderful art you are contributing.  I found it on the internet and it appealed to me so much.  Both the symbolism, balance and serenity!  You are a new paradigm painter.  I have seen that alchemical birds are featured in your paintings and you do this so beautifully.  Kristina from Sweden

Thanks  for bringing your light forth through your writings and your pictures.  I am returning time and again to expand my horizons within your universe because it resonates with the true of a spirit which I feel kin to.  John.​

If you want to take a brief trip into a world of magic and inspiration, go to Katelyn's site at Katelyn operates divinely at the intersection of art, emotional healing and spirituality.  Joel

The images travel a spectrum of terrains and colors, with elements and figures which are a fascinating symbolic pantheon waiting to be explored.  The medium of exploration is your own imagination. By simply spending time with the images and getting a feeling quality for each, they settle into your personal matrix and start to do their magic.   Rich

Title. Double click me.

Katelyn's contribution to the Bridging Heaven and Earth Art Project

Philip Rubinov Jacobson " like other rare intuitive artists, Katelyn's intention was not to ILLUSTRATE a conceptual understanding of Runes and/or their meanings...but in kinship with other creative mystics - is expressing the intuitive - feeling level of the subject through aesthetic language> the image. I am not so sure Katelyn even refers to these images as 'runes'.."

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