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Find the complete Thirty Day Meditation at my Medicine Woman Art Blog where I write about my art process.

Thirty day meditation

​This 30 day meditation is an example of soul inspired art


Art making has always been a spiritual practice for me and a way for me not only to tap into my inner wisdom but also a way to stay balanced. Creating art has kept me sane in times when insane things were going on around me. In the past 4 years I have abandoned my art making because of obligations in the mundane world that have taken my attention away.

This blog is my commitment to awaken my creative spirit and access the place of mystery in me that knows how to guide me. Mystery lives in the waking dream as well as the sleeping dream and is often referred to by our indigenous ancestors as "The Dreaming" or "Dreamtime". They used the information that sprang from this place of mystery to guide their everyday living. Dreaming is timeless, existing simultaneously in the spiritual dimensions of the present, as well as in the distant mythological past.

It is mystery, wombspace, the vast empty void, God-Goddess and the place of all possibilities. It is the keeper of the stories and the laws and spiritual principles that guide life. When I tap into that space, which is also inside of me, it is like an oracle of personal wisdom.

In the world that we live in it is easy to disconnect from the ever present source of inner guidance that can bypass logic and mental chatter. It is always their but through the noise we no longer hear it. When we revive this ancient art form, called "The Dreaming", which can manifest through painting, writing, music and other create form, we will be connected once again to a vast source of information that can guide our evolution and keep us balanced.

My images historically come through the dreaming to me. Mystery doesn't whisper to me in the language of the mind but through the language of the soul/spirit. The language of the some is about color, light, shadow, symbol, metaphor, image and space and is less real than the language of words, because it comes from a place that is pure and resonates the truth in both myself and the person who views it.


Medicine Woman Art will be a place for me to express through image and words the wisdom of my soul. A place to revive my connection to "The Dreaming" and the Mystery. My intention is to begin a practice of creating an image a day for the next 30 days and share the wisdom that emerges in the process and see where that takes me and us.  They will be like daily soul portraits.

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